Pastor Isaac B Greene

& First Lady Delunda Greene

Pastor Isaac B and Delunda Greene are humbled to have the opportunity to lead, love and serve the Life Church congregation, community and the world with the love and mind of Christ.

Isaac and Delunda Greene have been married for 21 years and are the proud parents of their Son Jaydon 15 and Jasmine 13. The foundation of their marriage is rooted in Christ being the center of their relationship which has allowed them to grow spiritually, personally and professionally. Isaac and Delunda both have a deep-rooted faith in the Word of God, as they desires to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the L.I.F.E. Experience – Living In Faith Everyday. 

Isaac and Delunda both have a deep-­‐rooted faith in the Word of God, as they desires to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the L.I.F.E. Experience – Living In Faith Everyday.

Isaac Spiritual Journey has been influenced under the leadership and ministries of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A Wright, Jr. of Trinity UCC where he was baptized at the age of 7, Transformed under the teachings of Grace by Pastor Emeritus Bishop Arthur M Brazier of Apostolic Church of God and Disciple and mentored by his Father in the Gospel Pastor Andrew D Singleton, Jr. of Victory Apostolic Church.

Isaac’s 20 years of ministry have been anointed by God and personifies “Matthew 16:25″ For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Since receiving and accepting his calling at the young age of 24 and becoming assistant pastor of Victory Apostolic Church at the age of 35, Isaac B Greene has develop over 15 ministries for youth and young adults and implemented the Spiritual Transformational ministries that impacted over 2000 members.

The Lord has blessed Pastor Greene professionally and spiritually that has allowed him to earn a Master of Arts Degrees in Theological Studies from McCormick Theological Seminary, Masters of Business and Administration from Roosevelt University and BS Degree in Accounting from Florida A&M University.

In addition, Isaac is a Certified Public Accountant and has worked for Arthur Anderson as a Senior Auditor, CNA Insurance as a Senior Financial Analyst, Eli Lilly and Company as a Senior Human Resource Associate and currently is the Owner of IBG & Associates, LLC, a CPA firm.

Delunda has a BS Degree in Business from Florida A&M University and a Masters in Education from Governors State  University. Delunda has 12 years of corporate experience in banking/finance and 8 years as a educator that includes working currently as a Math teacher for Huth Middle School in Matteson IL.

Executive Leadership Team

Jacqueline Scarver

Church Administrator

Elder Randell Wilcoxson

Assistant Pastor

Rev. Darice Wright

Assistant Pastor

Stacey Mixon


Michele Chambers
