About Life Church

who we are





Life Church was birthed out of Victory Apostolic Church in Matteson, IL by Senior Pastor Isaac B. Greene and First Lady Delunda Greene under the leadership of Senior Pastor Andrew D. Singleton, Jr. Prior to starting Life Church, Senior Pastor Isaac B. Greene was a founding member and served as Pastor over Spiritual Transformation and Youth Ministries for 20 years.

Life Church was founded on June 12, 2016 at the Marcus Theatre in Orland Park, IL by Pastor Isaac B. Greene and First Lady Delunda Greene along with his family, 30 faithful volunteers and 450 families and friends. Currently, Life Church worships on Sunday and Bible Study on Wednesdays at Atrium located 4151 183rd Country Club Hills, IL.

We are a non-denominational church that believes, teaches and preaches the word of GOD to “Be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16 NKJ). We believe that Holiness (to be separate, unique, different) is God’s greatest gift to humanity as it teaches us how to love our God, Ourselves and Others. Holiness reroutes the individual from a path of destruction to a path of destiny according to the purpose and plans of almighty GOD.

The revelation for the name of Life Church was birthed through Jesus command to His disciples in Matthew 16:25 “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”

Life Get’s Better, Better and Better at Life Church as we serve as God’s vessels for transforming lives through Jesus Christ. Our goal is to create a community of Hope, Healing and Higher Expectations. This is accomplished through our ministries for new members, children, youth, women, men, singles, seniors and young adults. Our Life Transformation Cycle provides resources and tools for Loving, Learning, Living and Leading others to Christ so that we can Live In Faith Everyday.

Life Church Values

We believe that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, immutable, authoritative Word of God. We strive therefore to preach and teach the Bible as God’s Word and the trustworthy rule for faith and practice (II Timothy 3:16-4:2).

We recognize the eternal value God places on every person and commit ourselves to love and care for others as humans created in His image. We further seek to fulfill Christ’s great commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and to love one another as Christ loves us (Mark 12:31; John 13:34-35).

We believe that church leaders are, above all, servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. We recognize that servant leaders are to watch over our souls and that spirit filled, godly Pastors are an invaluable asset of the church (Matthew 20: 25-28; Hebrews 13:17).

We believe that understanding Scripture is a catalyst for transforming, enhancing, and growing lives; therefore we are committed to the ministry of Christian Education as an indispensable foundational ministry that must undergird all other ministries of the church (II Timothy 3: 14-17; Psalm 1, 119; Nehemiah 8:8).

We believe that we are created to glorify God and an expression of this is our acknowledgement of His supreme value and worth in our personal lives and in the corporate, contemporary praise and worship of the church (Acts 2:47; Ephesians 5:18-20; Psalm 150).

We recognize the church as a community of believers whose fellowship is enriched by their relationship with Christ and one another. We are committed to assembling ourselves together for worship, fellowship, encouragement, and service (Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:24-25).

We believe that Christ demonstrated His great love for the lost and has commissioned His church to follow His example of pursuing, winning, and making disciples of all men (Luke 19:10; John 20:21; II Corinthians 5:14-20).

We believe the Bible is timeless and timely, and that cultural relevance is necessary to meet the contemporary needs of mankind. Therefore, while changing our methods to minister to others we remain committed to the unchanging message of the Word of God, allowing our doctrinal foundation to guide our contemporary ministry of music, arts, advertisements, preaching, teaching etc. (I Corinthians 9:19-23;II Timothy 4:2-5).

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